Delete Record Type connected to Chatter Profiles

Pranav Bhatia
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Recently, I faced an issue where I created a record type for an entity and I made it available for all profiles. After I was done with my testing and went ahead to delete it — there was no way to delete it from these 3 profiles

Chatter External User
Chatter Free User
Chatter Moderator User

Had to look for hours and finally could find a workaround to this weird issue which doesn’t let you remove your record type from Chatter profiles.

You can find the original article here that covers this issue (along with some other suggestions)

Workaround steps

Step 0: Replicate the problem by creating a record type and assign it to these 2 profiles for now. Make it “Active”. Click “Next” and then “Save” once done.

Step 1: Go to the record type for the entity and you will see the recently created the record type.

Step 2: Click on Profiles and then select any non-chatter profile. In this example — I will select “Analytics Cloud Integration User”

Step 3: Try deleting it using the drop-down menu on the right.

You will see an error message that won’t let you delete

Step 4: When you click on “Analytics Cloud Integration User” you can see there is an option to edit and remove record type for that particular user.

But for Chatter, you don’t see any Edit for the record type.

Step 5: Click on Edit for the first profile
“Analytics Cloud Integration User” which takes you to this screen.

Now copy the URL of this page. It would look something like this: (focus on the id and it’s value as highlighted in bold)…..

Now go to the “Chatter External User” and copy the URL of that page

Copy the address in above URL: 00e83000000Lr0J and replace it in the above “Analytics Cloud Integration User” URL (replace the id value so it looks like this %3Fid%3D00e83000000Lr0J%)

Now you will be able to edit the Chatter profile.



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