LT #261: Graph Valid Tree
3 min readSep 29, 2024
Day: 7
Type: Graphs
Level: Medium
What is a Valid Tree?
A valid tree has the following properties:
- Connected: Every node in the graph must be reachable from every other node. In other words, the graph must have exactly one connected component.
- Acyclic: The graph must not contain any cycles.
Algorithm: DFS
Approach: Create a HashMap with neighbors for each node (since it’s undirected — will keep track of both directions).
Visited set will keep track of node traversal.
Run DFS starting from Node 0 and keeping track of parent/prev node to ensure parent node being in visited doesn’t return False for the DFS. For new neighbors for each node, add them in visited and run DFS on them again.
Solving the problem
- Creating the HashMap for neighbors
neighbors = {i: [] for i in range(n)} # creates dictionary with each node having an empty list
for node1, node2 in edges: # e.g. [0, 1]
neighbors[node1].append(node2) # e.g capturing 0 -> 1
neighbors[node2].append(node1) # capturing other direction 1 -> 0
2. Calling the DFS —
# Perform DFS from node 0 - prev value is set to -1 to be unique
if not dfs(0, -1):
return False
# Ensure all nodes were visited (i.e., the graph is connected) and dfs returned True
return len(visited) == n
3. Defining the DFS Algorithm
def dfs(node, prev):
if (neighbors[node] == []): # this would be possible only if one of the nodes is disconnected
return False
for neighbor in neighbors[node]:
if neighbor == prev: # skip this neighbor as this is parent and will be in visited
if neighbor in visited: # if neighbor already there in set then return False
return False
if not dfs(neighbor, node): # if True - do nothing else exit dfs with False
return False
return True
Complete Python code —
if len(edges) != n - 1:
return False
if edges == []:
return True
neighbors = {i: [] for i in range(n)}
visited = set()
for node1, node2 in edges:
def dfs(node, prev):
if (neighbors[node] == []):
return False
for neighbor in neighbors[node]:
if neighbor == prev:
if neighbor in visited:
return False
if not dfs(neighbor, node):
return False
return True
# Perform DFS from node 0 - prev value is set to -1 to be unique
if not dfs(0, -1):
return False
# Ensure all nodes were visited (i.e., the graph is connected) and dfs returned True
return len(visited) == n
Example — n = 5, edges = [[0,1],[1,2],[2,3],[1,3],[1,4]]
neighbors = {0: [1], 1: [0, 2, 3, 4], 2: [1, 3], 3: [2, 1], 4: [1]}
DFS Stack visualization
Time Complexity:
- O(n + e), where
is the number of nodes ande
is the number of edges. This is because DFS visits each node and edge exactly once.
Space Complexity:
- O(n) for storing the adjacency list and the visited set.